Welcome to the Blog !


Hello – and a Happy New Year AS THE SONG SAYS – let’s make it a good one! I’ve been very quiet of late, but I have been busy tapping away on my computer! Finally, I am delighted to announce the release of my new…


. THE CHANGE WE NEVER SAW COMING! Covid-19 burst into our world and turned it upside down! Who could have thought this would happen, ever, let alone in our lifetime? Yet, within the heartache and the loss, (and yes, the fear), we are seeing little…

The Best Gift Is You!

Hello everyone, It’s been quite a while since I touched down on my blog page. I’ve missed you but I promise you – I’ve been busy writing! I’m looking forward to getting back on track with you. “You CAN Have It All” – Lift Your…

The Dreams We Leave Behind!

  From the moment we can imagine, we dream. We dream because we want to believe that the fulfillment of our dreams (and yes, there are always many dreams) will make life better, even perfect. We dream big and we dream small and we can…

Cats – the Energy Experts!

  Have you ever noticed how cats are drawn to certain energies – how they seem very particular about the places they inhabit? Have you ever wondered why it is that a cat will sit happily on one person’s lap and purr loudly, yet absolutely…


TIME FLIES! Yes, time flies! We think we have a whole year to look forward to but no, 2019 is well on its way. Christmas and New Year are almost a distant memory as we look forward to what is ahead. Before we know it,…

Dreams Can Come True!

  We can spend an awful lot of time and energy wishing for things, all sorts of things – but how do we attract them? I was brought up to believe that you have to work for what you want, and that sounds sensible, but…


Who hasn’t woken up and thought “Oh no, I’m so tired, I can’t go to work today. I just need to sleep for a week!!” At the very last possible minute you drag yourself out of bed, already late as usual because first you snoozed,…

Finding Balance in Our Modern World

We live in an enriching time of growth and change upon a planet that is in itself extraordinary! How hugely fortunate are we to be here at this moment in time! It is awesome to have access to all that technology brings to our table….


How Dancing Energizes Us! For most of us, when music gets into our soul it’s an itch that needs to be scratched and the best way to do that is to DANCE! Now why would it be that dance has survived wars, pestilence, famine, strife…